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Funky Fremont



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Funky Fremont
The Burke Gilman trail, a bustling pedestrian and bicycle path along the Ship Canal, provides easy access to Fremont from both nearby Ballard and the University of Washington.  The ambitious bicyclist or jogger can travel on the Burke Gilman trail from the origin in Ballard, through Fremont, all the way to the Log Boom County Park at the north end of Lake Washington.  The Burke Gilman Route originated in 1885 when ten men, led by Thomas Burke and Daniel Gilman, founded the Seattle, Lake Shore, & Eastern Railroad. This railroad extended from downtown Seattle to Rattlesnake Prairie above Snoqualmie Falls.  In the 1890s the Northern Pacific Railroad assumed control of the Seattle, Lake Shore, & Eastern Railroad.  Trains ran for almost 100 years, until 1971 when the rails

were abandoned.  A citizen’s group formed the Burke Gilman Trail Park Committee to campaign for the creation of a pedestrian path.  In the summer of 1974 the city paved the first four-block section of the trail.  Since the first construction, bits and pieces of the trail have been paved as funds emerge and city officials see fit.  Currently a debate rages over the “Missing Link” of the trail.  There is no path through Ballard, and no schedule has been announced for funding, designing, or constructing a portion of the trail to connect 11th Street to the Locks.





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